British Shorthair Katze
Our kittens have registered pedigree and meet all the standards of the british shorthair breed.
British shorthair katze. Russische blaue kätzchen kurzhaar katzen russisch blau britisch kurzhaar raubtiere lustige katzen tierschutz blaue katzen graue katzen. British shorthair british shorthair ideas of british shorthair britishshorthair british shorthair the post british shorthair appeared first on cat gig. They do enjoy spurts of playing and activity but ultimately they are a pretty relaxed cat. Domestic cat felis catus the british shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional british domestic cat with a distinctively stocky body dense coat and broad face.
Die kreuzung mit perserkatzen hat zudem bewirkt dass der körperbau der britisch kurzhaar kurz und gedrungen ist während die figur der echten kartäuser eher schlank ist und der einer durchschnittlichen hauskatze entspricht. The colourpoint british shorthair is an incredibly beautiful cat. Learn more about this breed. They are quite docile and laid back.
My 8 months old british shorthair cats are mating the first time. The cats colonized the area and were a common street cat for centuries. The most familiar color variant is the british blue a solid grey blue coat orange eyes and a medium sized tail. From blue to black lilac to cinnamon in bicolour tabby and calico if the colour exists you can get it in colourpoint.
All others were simply described by coat type or color. Meine katzen umut und leyla paaren sich das erste mal. Auch wenn die british shorthair nach wie vor oft mit der kartäuserkatze verwechselt wird hat die gezielte zucht zu einem unterschiedlichen erscheinungsbild geführt. With the rise of cat shows during the victorian era cat fanciers began to breed the cats to a particular standard and keep pedigrees for them.
Sie sind 8 monate alt. Colourpoints come in every colour and pattern of british shorthair cat that you can get. Our kittens are litter box and scratch board trained. British shorthair silver and golden shaded cats are absolutely stunning cats which impress with their beauty elegance luxurious look and exceptional manners.
British shorthair cats are not overly active cats. British shorthairs are cats with a very good nature quiet temper and great intelligence. The british shorthair is native to england. Two factors unite them.
At the earliest cat shows british shorthairs were the only pedigreed cats exhibited. It seems that when the roman forces invaded england during their period of empire expansion they brought along cats to protect their food supplies from rodents.